為提升本校資源回收率,請全校教職員工生協助宣導分類回收,請參考新竹市垃圾強制分類表摘要資料。(Please implement resource recycling.)



Please strengthen the promotion of waste classification within each unit, and do not dispose of recyclables as general waste. To enforce the 'no littering' policy, garbage should be removed according to scheduled garbage collection times, and it is prohibited to temporarily place garbage outside buildings without supervision.

If there is improper waste classification (e.g., mixing general waste with recyclables or including laboratory waste), and such violations are identified during inspections by the supervisory authority, our university may face penalties, and our household waste collection service may be suspended until corrective actions are taken. Currently, our waste collection contractors are required to conduct thorough inspections, and if improper classification is detected at the unit/building level, they will refuse collection and request proper sorting and arrangement.